Zenith Integrated, Inc. has been created with a perfect balance of Business, Mind and Matter expertise and has developed a wide variety of products and services to meet the changing needs of the professional community, nationally and in the state of Texas.

Zenith Integrated, Inc. is committed to providing you with dependable, durable, quality products and services. We have partnered with the best in the industry to offer a secure, cost-effective and complete healthcare management solution. We are licensed by the state of Texas and we guarantee our merchandise, warrantee our equipment, stand by our services and promise no hassle.

Our fundamental goal is to positive, long-term relationships. Relationships characterized by mutual respect, by courtesy and integrity, by a helpful, effective response to your needs and concerns, and by a strong commitment to providing innovative solutions of the highest quality, value and usefulness

As a Texas based corporation, we're interested in building long-term relationship with our clients locally as well as across the nation.

  Zenith Integrated, Inc. ........ Real people in a Virtual World.